First off: I'm sorry, mom. You see guys, my mom doesn't like it when I use the word "suck." She likes the word "crummy" instead. But we all know that "Why are blogs crummy?" does not carry nearly the same punch as "Why do blogs suck?" (Unrelated but semi interesting: Other fairly harmless words I was not allowed to say growing up: shut up, crappy, piss.)
But back to the title! I've noticed lately that some of my favorite blogs kind of suck lately. And I am wondering why? I used to read some blogs every day no matter what, and now it's all I can do to check in once a month with them. I can't exactly put a finger on why I stop reading them, I just stop feeling engaged or connected or something so I stop reading.
9 Reasons I May Possibly Stop Reading a Blog?
(There are lots of question marks because these are all just educated guesses as to why I stop reading... it's honestly so hard to put a finger on it.)
Too much gushy with the boy? I get that you're in love, but sometimes this gets overplayed and I get kind of bored of it and want something more interesting? Not that being in love isn't interesting, but I hardly think your significant other should be
the most interesting thing about you. I will generally disengage if I think a blogger talks about her significant other too much.
Too much sponsoring? I think this one is pretty huge as I have watched several of my favorite blogs rise in popularity and then fall victim to the ubiquitous sponsoring demons. I will say, though, that balancing blog and sponsorship/ blog "business" is an extremely difficult task so I'm certainly not blaming anyone. When someone is offering you money/product to post about something it is hard to say no, because you know, bills... Also most bloggers who are at the point to receive sponsorships have put in an absurd amount of hours to get there so maybe it feels good to finally receive a bit of compensation? Still though, I believe that a blogger must maintain some balance. I usually schedule two sponsored posts/giveaway/not authentic writing posts a week but am trying to take it down to one as lately I have felt my blog has been too "sponsory". I can honestly say that I have stopped reading several blogs because it was never the blogger anymore, it was constantly someone else posting on the blog or a giveaway or review. Now, I'm not going to come at the blogger because I know exactly how difficult the balance is and I respect the work they put into their blog.... I just might not read anymore.
Inauthentic feel? This one is maybe more difficult to identify but I guess sometimes I just feel like a blogger isn't talk to me straight. In real life I gravitate toward people who are straight forward and honest. Or "real" as we may term it in the blogging world. Likewise, I gravitate toward the same type of blogger. I think a blog may start to become inauthentic for a lot of reasons. Sponsorship certainly plays into it- I get tired of a blogger trying to sell me that I don't believe they themselves actually like that much. I think more bloggers need to say no to endorsements they don't agree with or post a negative review of the product. This summer for the first time I received two products that I refused to endorse because I would never recommend the product to a friend so I felt shady recommending it to readers. It was pretty uncomfortable telling the sponsor (
after I had received the product) that I wouldn't post about their product, but it felt better to me than trying to make up some crap to feed the people that read this blog. People that I respect and am so completely grateful that read this blog.
It's not just the sponsorship thing though... sometimes I think a blogger may start to get inauthentic when they start gaining an audience just because they don't want to offend anyone. Negative comments suck and people talking trash about you on the internet really does sting, so I think some people just stay on the "nice fence" to avoid offending anyone. Unfortunately, to me at least, this is also boring.
Too many baby pictures? This kind of goes along with #1. I think it's great when people have babies, but I don't think it should change the whole tone of the blog and I don't think what was once a fashion blog or a teaching blog or a recipe blog should become a baby blog. It is interesting that you have a child, yes, but I don't think being a mom should now become
the most interesting thing about you. One of my favorite fashion bloggers who gained a huge following now just posts random, occasional pictures of her kid. It's not interesting to me anymore and her outfit posts are few and far between. I started following her for her outfits, not for her kid.
No other hobbies/ work? This one is truly confusing to me as it seems to make absolutely no sense but sometimes I feel like the people who have the most time for blogging are the least interesting bloggers? You would think that all the extra time to blog would lead to better content, but it doesn't seem to. This is the case with me, too. This summer I had huge plans to focus on the writing on my blog, learn something about taking pictures, pitch to a few sites that I want to write for. Instead, my July traffic was the lowest its been in six months and I could barely bring myself to do anything with my blog- and I had all the time in the world. On the contrary, once I started up school again and my life became every version of stressed and frantic possible- the quality of my writing picked up and so did my traffic. It seems like the busier I am with life the busier I am with my blog and the more successful the blog is. It's the worst kind of Catch-22 imaginable! There have been a few blogs I have followed where the bloggers has been able to quit her job or stay at home with her kids and for whatever reason the blog just doesn't engage me anymore.
Too many pictures of herself/ narcissistic? I get that blogging by nature is a narcissistic pursuit, but I do think a blogger can be too into themselves. I get it. You're wearing a bracelet and heels. I don't need twelve pictures of that and then fifteen pictures tomorrow of your different jeans. Maybe this bothers me? With some bloggers I don't seem to mind as much as with others, so there is nothing definitive here. Help?
"All I do is drink"? I know I'm going to get some guff for this one, but if I'm blogging in the name of honesty here I will say that constantly drinking/talking about drinking/ posting pictures of drinks turns me off to a blog after awhile. I don't care at all if bloggers drink, but I guess I could compare the way some bloggers talk about drinking to the way some bloggers talk about their kid. We get it. You like it. Now talk about something else. I certainly don't need to see a picture of your drink every single post just like I don't need to see a picture of your baby every single post. If I feel like a post is too "drink heavy" I inevitably start to read less. There are more exciting things for me to read about than what a blogger drank Wednesday-Sunday night.
And now I wonder if there is something seriously wrong with me for comparing having a child to drinking. Surely they are nothing alike. Or are they? I've never done either.
Too rich for my blood? I suppose this one has to do with money, but it also just has to do with the overall attitude of the blog. Sometimes I get the feeling that a blogger is too "rich" for me. Everything they wear is expensive and I would never be able to buy without first puking my guts out from pure guilt/ gluttony. Even if a blogger isn't rich they sometimes start to "feel rich"- they don't return comments or emails or tweets or they look too cute all the time? It's weird but I like to see my favorite bloggers looking less than stellar sometimes. Maybe? None of this makes sense.
Too many sheep? A lot of blogs are the same as other blogs. I generally stop reading a blog if I don't feel like it is bringing anything new to the great blogging table. A blog doesn't have to be edgy or controversial for me to read it, it just has to provoke me or stimulate my mind in a way that other blogs don't. I guess in our age of "anyone can get rich off of a blog!" there are a lot of sheep blogs. You know, bloggers who like to shop at Target and do DIY on the weekend and "I've got a great new recipe to share with you that I just found on someone else's blog!" I guess if I don't see anything real original or fresh in a few month period I stop reading.
Alrighty. I'm done. I think? What about y'all? What has made you stop reading some of your faves?